This is Grobbulus + Heigan's evil stepchild. Now with more mutated infection dropping slimes, and kiting the adds around with the boss in the middle.
The raid stacks in the middle and avoid slime of many types, people run out to spawn adds, and the offtank kits them.
Abilities: Wowhead

- Ooze flood is to be avoided by everyone except the offtank. It hits four corners of the room, hitting each once before repeating a cycle. It should be able to be avoided by standing in the middle of the room. Everyone should congregate there except the offtank and those who are infected.
- Slime spray is a channeled cone AoE spell by the boss. When he casts it, you will get a DBM/DXE warning. You will also see him turn to face someone. Make sure you are on the side of the boss or behind him while he is channeling it, and you'll be fine. He will turn back to face the tank once it's finished.
- Mutating infection is cast on random players. When they receive it they need to run out of the raid, get the infection cleansed as they are running to the big ozze/ offtank, and then it is their job to kite the small ooze to the big ooze, and only after the ooze mating ritual is complete up may they return to the middle. If they are the first with the ooze, they get to stand next to the offtank letting it hit them till a second shows up.
- People with mutating infection should just run right in front of the big ooze. We'll have a dedicated healer on those targets, and it'll speed up the combining and maintain higher dps and less chaos.
- When the big ooze explodes, it will launch 3 targeted projectiles which explode on impact. Everyone will have to scatter from the center of the room once the cast finishes, until they land and it's safe again.
Main Tank
- Hold fast.
- Save DR cooldowns for unstable ooze explosion.
- Kite big oozes around room.
- Avoid ooze flood when possible.
- Stay in range of healers.
- Focus solely on kiting.
- Try to be inside the bosses hitbox as much as possible. Hump the ugly.
- If you get the infection, immediately run outside the raid, then to the big ooze; stand barely in front of the big ooze until your little oozes mating with the big ooze is complete
- Maintain high situational awareness to avoid slime spray, move quickly with mutated infection, and avoid Unstable Ooze Explosion.
- Frost nova on the first small ooze is helpful.
- Hand of Freedom on the off tank is helpful.
- Use damage reduction cooldowns when you are near the big ooze.
- Add "Mutated Infection" to vuhdo, healbot, grid, etc.
- If you get the infection, immediately run outside the raid, then to the big ooze; stand barely in front of the big ooze until your little oozes mating with the big ooze is complete
- Do not cleanse mutating infection unless you are assigned to it
- If you are assigned to it, call out who gets it and watch players who have it closely, cleansing as soon as they are out of the raid.
- Make sure the person with the infection receives heals, they are going to be taking a heavy dot while having healing reduced by 50%, and after that they'll get hit by the ooze radiation a few times as well. Cleansing as soon as they are out of the raid is best. Other raid damage should be fairly light, so really focus on infected people and offtank.
- Maintain high situational awareness to avoid slime spray, move quickly with mutated infection, and avoid Unstable Ooze Explosion.
- If you are a very visual/map oriented person this strat guide may be of use: http://www.stratfu.com/strats/rotface/rotface-pre-release-strategy
- I kindof expect some part of this fight to be way harder than we're expecting, but perhaps it is reasonably easily, as long as people can figure out how to move.
- Oh, btw enchant boots - TUSKARR'S VITALITY for speedy fast movement of win! (yes I will keep harping on this forever and for always.)
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